The Walk it Off Mindset

Let me start off by saying I was not raised by parents who told me to “walk it off” when I was sick or injured. I was raised by empathetic people who treated me with kindness and love. My thoughts and feelings were valued; I was cared for and hugged and tucked in at night. So I am privileged and perhaps I cannot fully grasp the concept of telling someone to “walk it off”. I’ve seen and heard this mindset however mostly within my own generation. Gen X and the generations before. You see posts on social media, bragging about staying out until the street lights came on. “We had no phones! Our parents had no idea where we were! Haha!” “I drank out of the hose!” Or, “ I’m so glad I grew up without technology and participation trophies”. It’s the modern version of “I walked to school in the snow with no shoes. And life was better without TV.” There’s a pride in the notion of going without. I get it. Yet most people when offered a ride or shoes would take the opportunity. Most people went out and bought televisions, and in today’s world the 70s and 80s kids are scrolling their smartphones in order to post memes about how much better life was without smartphones and social media. Those of us with teenagers wouldn’t dream of saying “ ok goodbye for 12 hours see you at curfew no need to check in or let me know that you’re safe and hey seatbelts are for snowflakes.” No, because we embrace the evolution of knowledge and progression, which enables us to utilize tools to live safely and comfortably. Some might argue, that the world was a safer place back “then”. That we need to return to the 1950s with apple pie and values. I’m always baffled by this concept. Does anyone truly understand what was happening during that time, if you weren’t sitting in front of a fireplace while Mother was making dinner and Father was smoking a pipe let’s take a closer look at where society was. Segregation for starters. Teachers were allowed to hit their students with rulers. Women couldn’t own property, if you were gay it was common to put you away in a psychiatric hospital, also if you had any mental illness you were most likely hidden away or committed. There was great shame attached to anything out of the ordinary. If it didn’t fit the aesthetic of “normal”, it was embarrassing. The world for generations has been dangerous. There was never a time when children were entirely safe, we’ve always had predators, serial killers, violence and awfulness. The only difference really is, we are now more aware of it. I for one, am glad to have information, I’m grateful to be enlightened, I’m willing to utilize any tool I can to keep my children safe and healthy. I embrace participation trophies, why shouldn’t a child be given a token of recognition to make them feel good? Do I want to walk through life begrudging others because maybe I didn’t have the same opportunities? These seedlings of bitterness, the ones that begin with “ I never had that”, or “ I wasn’t handed anything” only serve to create an entire garden of antiquated notions that perpetuate division, bullying behavior and toxic pride. Yes, I had to get up to change a channel and use a corded phone. Does this make me a warrior? I also suffered with learning difficulties in school and I was told by teachers I was lazy. Is this a badge of honor? I bought my first car with my own money. Should I print that on a t-shirt? Why is there glory in drinking out of a hose? Why would one brag about being forced to go to school with a fever? I feel sad for anyone who wasn’t shown compassion while growing up, and sadder for those who project a lack of compassion on the next generation, because if we don’t change and progress we recreate trauma. We prevent humanity from evolving, and even though it might seem honorable,this tough as nails mindset when you’re berating the “woke” culture and reminding everyone that you walked it off, it’s not really honorable to be unkind. We can allow other’s to have things we didn’t have. We can watch people flourish and gain opportunities without being angry. Remember Cain and Abel? Tale as old as time, jealousy begets hatred, and where does that lead? I’m choosing to walk through life with an understanding that I don’t know everything, I’m willing to learn to grow to evolve to embrace. And now I will post this using my smartphone with much gratitude that I can do so; because it is an amazing tool that affords me the opportunity to freely express my thoughts instead of just having to “walk them off”.

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